Retiree Employment Agency (R.E.A.)

Support for senior employment in New Brunswick area

Kaléidoscope Social Impact is proud to offer the Retiree Employment Agency in Southwest New Brunswick, stretching from Havelock to Saint John to St. Stephen.

New Brunswick’s Retiree Employment Agency is a province wide initiative created to respond to the region’s growing demand for human resources. It is a free service that pairs retirees over 50, who wish to return to the workforce, with employers  who need to fill employment gaps.
This program is a great way to fill your short term labour needs, with experienced talent. Employers will be asked to provide information on their specific needs, then will be provided information that shapes the potential retiree pairing.
Similar to employers, retirees will be asked to provide information to help with the positive pairing. Things such as availability, skills and desired work will betaken into consideration. If required, retirees may also be provided job preparation support, so a new work challenges may also be an option!

To Learn More or Register, Contact:

Abiola Daramola
Merlin Alexander